Your Vet's Office: A Helpful PlaceYour Vet's Office: A Helpful Place

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Your Vet's Office: A Helpful Place

When you love your pet, looking at the sheer list of diseases to which they are susceptible can be heartbreaking. There's parvo, rabies, distemper, salmonella — and those are just a few of the contagious diseases! Thankfully, there is a place where you can get some peace of mind, and that is within your vet's office. Your vet can not only vaccinate your pet against various illnesses, they can also offer you various disease-prevention tips to help keep your furry friend in good shape. Read the articles on this blog for more information, and rest assured that you'll be a better-informed pet owner.


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How To Choose The Right Veterinarian For Your Pug Rescue

Did you just bring home an adorable pug rescue? Pugs are an adorable breed that offer a lot of emotion, love, and humor to their human counterparts. While you're all set to enjoy many years of happiness and joy with your new furry companion, getting a health checkup should be first on the list of things to do. It's important to choose a veterinary clinic that is comfortable with caring for the breed. Here are a few ways to make sure you're choosing the best vet for your pug rescue. 

Familiar with Common Pug Health Issues

Pugs, no matter how old, are prone to certain health issues due to breed characteristics. If you have a rescue pug, you may not have a solid health history for him. That is why a thorough check-up in a veterinary office that is familiar with pugs is important. They will look for conditions that pugs are often prone to, such as:

  • Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome: Breathing difficulties, including collapsed trachea, due to a small skull length and nose shape.
  • Luxating Patella: A type of knee dislocation that can lead to disability or paralysis. 
  • PDE or Pug Dog Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain resulting in seizure activity that can be life-threatening.
  • Pyoderma: A type of skin infections due to bacteria build-up within facial rolls. 
  • Eye issues: Including sensitivity and accidental injury to bulging and protrusion.

Catching these issues early can allow your rescue pug to live a longer, healthier life. 

Not Afraid to Run Additional Testing

Find a veterinarian who is not afraid to run additional diagnostic testing. Because your pug likely has an unknown health history, there could be a genetic disposition that may affect his long-term health. Even if your pug does not demonstrate seizure activity currently, an MRI of the brain, along with blood work can detect if he has certain conditions like pug dog encephalitis. This allows you to be proactive moving forward. 

Easy-Going with Anxious Pugs

One common characteristic among pugs is that they are deathly afraid of getting their nails trimmed. And while you could take them to a groomer and have them trimmed, a vet can trim their nails while giving an exam at the same time. Veterinarians who are careful and concerning around pug personalities will make the entire experience less frightful for your furry companion. In addition, they can check their paws and feet for any abnormalities or underlying conditions.

Rescue pugs need special love and care. Establishing a long-term relationship with your vet is important for optimal care and comfort. Congrats! You are now officially owned by a pug; it's time to give him his very best life!

Find the best services for your pet through a veterinary clinic such as Johnstown Veterinary Associates